Monday, April 16, 2012

The Berserkrgangr

This is a short overview i wrote for a friend. This is my understanding of the berserkrgangr.

Alright, this is what i know.

Berserkrgang is a war trance. It is a state of divine fury granted by odin. A state of pure animalistic fury.
Berserk either translates to bear-shirt or bare shirt. Bear shirt could be due to a bear fetch with which they "step into".  And bare-shirt could be due to the overheating of the body in trance, the feeling of "blood boiling" from the adrenaline.

There are a lot of traits of this state that are common among many( or at least among those i associate with). Ectasy, psychetachia( things slowing down), bodily sensations such as electricity in the skin, the feeling of hair growing from the skin, as well as a "shiny" vision, hallucinations, the feeling of the skin being tightly stretched, muscle swelling, extreme agileness, gnashing of the teeth, growling, howling, stomping, and religious experiences.

This state is a desperate survival mechanism of the body where the adrenal glands empty themsleves into the blood stream, hind lobe function increases as frontal lobe function decreases.

There is nothing like a real threat to initiate a berserker frenzy, but this is not necessary. By combining multiple stressors you can overload the hypothalmus and initiate this state. Extreme stress can be raised by recalling past events, emotions, or people that are stressful. Stress combined with adrenaline raising exercises is a reliable way to acheive gangr. Such exercises as rythmic muscle tensing (especially in dance, hence war dance), growling (my favorite), self infliction of pain, and visualizing dangerous scenarios would suffice.

This is a state that easly gets out of hand with potentially disasterous results. By exploiting this state in a safe environment, you may learn to control it. Sounds a bit contradictory to control a state of uncontrollable fury, but you can guide this state by setting up boundaries.

A problem many people first experimenting with this state face is over doing it.  Too much adrenaline will cause the muscles to lock and the body to tremble until the person becomes exhausted.

After the frenzy is over you slip into "helblindi", in some degree. This is one point awareness, the extreme of introversion to compensate for extreme extroversion. This state usually fixates on the berserker frenzy, because it is fresh in the mind. This results in deeper, more pure gangr. The mind is empty of everything but fury, this cycle will go on so long as there is a threat or until the body can no longer handle it.

That's all i have time to write for now, is this what you were looking for?

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