Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Fotamecus was originally a sigil created in spring of 1996 when I was showing the Mad Prophet some sigilization techniques. The Mad Prophet kept the paper used for the demonstration and began using it when he was driving, the sigil's intent being to "Force Time Into Compression." Ruben, a friend of both me and the the Mad Prophet, was brought in on this, and two people began directing energy at it. Fotamecus crossed the Sigil/Servitor line after both Ruben and the Mad Prophet attended a Metallica concert in Sacramento at which Quinn is said to have smiled evilly when looking at the crowd and muttered "Free gnosis..." before opening himself to channel and becoming a one-man-mosh. On the drive back, both Ruben and the Mad Prophet dumped the excess energy into Fotamecus and made it home in half the time it should have taken.

I was informed and intrigued, and on the Death Valley Pilgrimage (three days in a van with seven chaos mages) Fotamecus was put to the test: The group directed a great amount of energy at him to help shorten the time to drive from Santa Rosa (north of San Francisco) to Death Valley.
On the first leg of the trip everyone looked at the clock before entering Vallejo. Fifteen minutes later we had travelled almost fifty miles, through the MacArthur Maze (the most dizzying interchange of highways known to man), in the Thanksgiving traffic. The second car with us, which we lost immediately preceding this, had continued to drive undaunted behind us. They never stopped. We wasted 45 minutes in Livermore before getting back on the road and coincidentally running into them again.
There was only one side effect.
The last three exits on I-5 before Bakersfield, which should have taken us 15 minutes to pass, took closer to an hour. For time compressed, time was expanded. For us, expanded on perhaps one of the most boring stretches of highway in California.
At this point, several of my friends and I sat down and did some work on Fotamecus, making him a viral servitor: He could spawn copies of himself. We wired these together into a network so that if one compresses time but doesn't want to expand it, it passes off the duty for expansion to another Fotamecus servitor in the network. They all work together, and the more copies out there, the better it works.

Copywronged from Chaos Matrix

I've had a lot of times where fotamecus has helped me out. Mostly trying to have class fly by, ha!
I didn't pay much attention to the procedure given, or the name of the servitor, or even his sigil!
But, it worked all the same. GREAT results, the kind that make me say "well shit, that was cool".

When i first started asking help of him, i drew what i thought to be his sigil and stuck it in my shoe. While in class i would imagine myself tearing the clock face off of the wall and smashing it to bits while focusing on the sigil in my shoe. The results varied, sometimes time would just fly by and other times i would be let out of class early. Let out early by as much as an hour, which is really unheard of for the teacher, and this happened on multiple occasions.

If you have time to burn, you should ask fotamecus for help.

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