He-Man and Cringer. A berserker and his fetch. The chaote in me chuckles at the possibilities.
Shall He-Man be a focus of berserking rituals?
Perhaps invoke He-Man and personify my fetch (a jaguar) as battle cat?
I'll be thinking more on this and update it soon.
Semi update: A veteran berserker pointed out to me that joy raises adrenaline just as fury does. A gangr made up of joy is deeper than that of fury, most of the time. A lot of my rituals involve an obscene amount of laughing, howling, etc. Berserking is a unitary state, much like the ones a chaote tries to achieve in ritual. These states are very similar to eachother now that i think about it. Both are very centered, in the moment, resulting in psychetachia (moreso while berserking). In other words, when a moment lasts a lifetime and everything looks like it's flowing through molasses. I think these two practices go hand in hand.
By the power of GreySkull! I HAVE THE POWER!
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