Monday, October 22, 2012


Here are three similar stories.

Volsung saga: Regin returns to his brother Sigurd after Fafnir was slain. Sigurd had just killed Fafnir and is going to eat the heart. Regin planned to kill Sigurd after Sigurd had cooked Fáfnir’s heart for him to eat and take all the knowledge for himself. However, Sigurd, having tasted Fáfnir's blood while cooking the heart, gained knowledge of the speech of birds and learned of Regin's impending attack from the "Odinnic" birds' discussion and killed Regin by cutting off his head.

Eddas: Kvasir went up and down the earth to give instruction to men; and when he came upon invitation to the abode of certain dwarves, Fjalar and Galarr, they called him into privy converse with them, and killed him, letting his blood run into two vats and a kettle. The kettle is named Odrerir, and the vats Son and Bodn; they blended honey with the blood, and the outcome was that mead by the virtue of which he who drinks becomes a skald or scholar.
Odrerir is used as a kenning for the mead of poetry, but the literal meaning is "stirrer of inspiration" or "stirrer of fury". Which Makes sense, as it sounds a lot like Wod (fury).

 The theft of the mead of poetry by Odin in the form of the eagle is reminiscent of the theft of the soma drink in the sanskrit tale. The soma drink was stolen from the gods by the god Indra in the form of an eagle. The soma plant used in the soma drink is unknown, but has thoguht to be Amanita Muscaria. Soma is associated with the Warrior god Indra and is drunk before his battle with Vitra. Another candidate for soma has been honey.

The Amanita Muscaria mushroom has been used by siberian shamans to help induce trance, but it creates a range of reactions depending on the person. As with any entheogen, the mind frame one is in determines the effects. I believe the vikings did use the amanita muscaria mushroom to help induce berserker frenzies. I also believe the force Wod that excites one into a frenzy is the same force that inspires poets.

Perhaps Kvasir/Fafnir's blood is the amanita mushroom, it is blood red. The mead of poetry may very well have Amanita in it, possibly making it related to the soma drink. The Soma was drank by Indra before war, possiblly the berserks drank it before war? Just a couple of theories.

Sources/further reading:

Ordeal of Odin

It is Odin that reminds of the internal struggle with myself that manifests around me. My promise is to struggle every second to live life, the struggle enriches life with meaning, and so it is also my gift. The more i struggle the more i succeed, and the more meaningful life is.

Odin finds ways to make life difficult, often in unexpected ways, and typically more challenging! Always do i have to change and grow in someway to achieve. He has no mercy, because the struggle is mine. I feel Odin is the apparent force in my life, as well as the necessary force.

As i change, so does my perception of him. I am able to see him in different ways, and with new faces. How i see him is relevant to my life at that time, i need only understand how. Then it is a matter of changing again, because above all Odin is svipal, changeable.

Odin is the struggle, the granter of struggle, and so he is the granter of life. Odin helps me to find passion in life, just as he gives me life. The struggle is my ordeal, and Odin grants it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mead of inspiration

From autonmatrix

mead  of  inspiration
This rite is based on both the Celtic and Nordic tradition of brewing mead. Both mythologies use mead as an elixir of inspiration. In the Celtic Myth, Taliesin was born after drinking out of Cerridwen's cauldron. She brewed a mead for a year and a day for her son, who was quite stupid. It was to give him instant and total knowledge. However, the caretaker for the mead, Gwion, accidentally took the mead instead. Gwion was thereafter know as Taliesin, the greatest Bard of all times. In the Nordic legend, Odin brewed Othroenir, or Mead of Inspiration. Oethroerir is also the name of his cauldron. Following this tradition, this rite brews a mead of inspiration.
This rite has two stages, the first is the actual brewing of the mead and the second is the consumption. The following is for the first stage only.
- A Large Cauldron or Pot
- Water
- Honey
- Almonds, Hazelnuts, Vervain and Horehound
- Wine Yeast
- Campden Tablets
- Sigils of Inspiration (These should be drawn on white paper with non-toxic markers)
The Rite:
Begin the mead brewing approximately one hour before the rite begins. This will entail bringing a gallon of water to boiling over an open fire. Once the water is boiling, add 31/2 pounds of honey and dissolve. Bring to a boil again. Boil for approximately 45 minutes. During this last boiling, the rite should begin.
0. Opening - All participants gather round the cauldron and open with The Rite of Three Rays or The Rite of ALU.
1. Statement of Intent - "It is our will to brew a mead of inspiration."
2. Preparatory Statement - Repeat the following thrice:
To bathe in the waters of life
To wash off the not-human
I come in self-annihilation
And the grandeur of inspiration
3. Charging of the Sigils - All participants slowly circle the cauldron deosil nine times whilst chanting "Ansuz, Perthro, Ing". Concentrate on your sigil. After the ninth circuit, remain stationary, but continue chanting until gnosis is reach ed and then, anoint each sigil with saliva. Hold onto the sigils.
4. Invocation - The M.O. should recite the following invocation:
Hail Mimir!
Guardian of the dark waters of wisdom.
Hail Kvasir!
Son of the unity of the Gods.
Hail Cerridwen!
Crone of ancient wisdom.
We brew this mead seeking inspiration.
Come Mimir, Come Kvasir, Come Cerridwen
Infuse this mead with your knowledge. (Toss in 12 Almonds)
Enchant this mead with your power. (Toss in 12 Hazelnuts)
Fill this mead with your wisdom. (Toss in Horehound/Vervain)
5. At the end of the invocation, each participant should toss in their sigil stating "So mote it be" or "It is done" or some such statement.
6. Banish with laughter and merriment.
The mead should be allowed to cool to a blood warm temperature. Add the yeast and the campden tablet and let sit over night. In the morning, strain the contents into a large vessel and store in a cool dark place for at least three months. Bottle and use when desired.


I swear i've written the same shit a hundred times over! but i always erase it because it never sounds right, i want to be accurate in what i say. Though sometimes that isn't always possible.

My mindstate is crucial, and governs my direction. A whack mindstate will make me go whack. In my current mindstate i make attempts to do things, but always fall short because it proves to be irrelevant, or not what i actually wanted. Which is really frustrating, but at the same time i see the progress i make, and somehow can't recognize it.

So i'm making progress and not making progress at the same time, which makes perfect sense. I attempt to structure myself by accepting various archetypes, but they always morph into one because i can see the inherent similarities between them and how they are really quite the same. I think the ultimate act would be to devote myself, and give life meaning.

At this point nothing means anything, until i start to look for meaning and then i find all of the meaning in the world, only to be unable to decide which way to go. What i need to find is the thing that has the most meaning, meaning beyond my own. This is what i believe to be god, tao, one, all chaos, etc. I call this force Odin, because of the nature of Odin.

What i'm really missing at this point is that I am already devoted to myself, and by being devoted to myself i am devoted to the force i call Odin. I think once this is understood, and not just known, i will be better off. I have found Odin, but he is Svipal, changeable, as are all of ourselves. So in truth, i have not really found him, nor myself.

I do not wish to chase the fleeting, but isn't that just life? Eventually we die, instead of contemplating who i was and how things are, i should be concerned with living those things. But without some review of the things around me i would surely be lost. That is why Odin is the wanderer, he is not lost, he wanders.

You could be wandering and not know where you're going, but not be lost. You just have to keep close attention to what is around you and learn your way as you go. What guides? the force behind us, and the pull ahead of us.

" In life there is only what you felt "

I, personally, see Odin as comprised of three main forces. These forces are not exact, and often cross into eachother.

The stirrer of fury, wod. Not neccesarily aggression, the fire of life and the will to live. This is the aspect i use to enrich my life, it is centering and invigorating, inspiring. I think of this as Odin the shaman, he who sacrificed himself to himself. The one who is resound within themself.

The magician. This is the aspect that deals with intellect, wisdom, thought, memory, and expression of power. They say with great power comes responsibility. I say with the wisdom to not abuse power, comes power. Unexpressed power, restraint, is power. Though power is not always to be hidden. Express power to empower yourself when needed.

The wanderer. The wanderer sees much, and goes to many places, but never stays. This is the Svipal nature. No attachments, only an observer. This reflects the nature of life, moments are born and then die as quickly as they come.

Odin is the valfather, the king of the slain. As well as the god of memory. Fallen heroes were preserved in memory by the skalds, the poets. Odin is also the god of poetry. Odin takes only those who died a valiant death in service to him. Like Odin, remember and preserve only what serves you well in life, life is a battlefield afterall. Whether this be qualities of yourself, habits, people, ideas, beliefs, anything.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Here i was thinking that this website was not a good idea, i simply couldn't write enough!

What if the act of berserking can be a ritual in a way. Not so much a ritual to work up to it, but make the act itself a ritual.

I was thinking, berserking could be with purpose, aside from surviving life threatening situations.
Here is my idea.
Pick a quality of oneself that you do not wish to have any longer. When berserking you can burn this quality with your rage. Or, if fighting someone you could personify that aspect of yourself onto them and then beat the hell out of it.
What would berserking and faring forth simultaneously be like? Well, it's a unitary state, so you probably wouldn't think much of it until afterwards.

And another thing i wanted to mention. I'm thinking "esoteric poesis" rather, occult inspired poetry.
In my dealings with the witty bard i was subject to the strike of awen, the poets inspiration. It was like lightning, highly inspired, electric. My ramblings made sense, but were littered with deep, multilayered metaphors. These serve as good focus for meditation.

It was Taliesin who drank cerridwens brew, and Odin from mimir's well. Both obtained otherworldy wisdom. And let us not forget Sigurd, who drank of Fafnir's blood.
This poetic inspiration has some connection with berserking i feel. Just unsure how.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gnostic Thunderbolt


The Gnostic Thunderbolt is a mutation of, and can be used interchangeably with, the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual. It's purpose is t imbue motivation and momentum to the participants, whilst banishing unwanted influences at the same time. It is highly recommended for opening a temple, and as a preliminary to other work, but is not well applied to healing aims.


  1. Inhale. Starting just beyond the head, either shoulder, or either hip, draw the first point of the Thunderbolt. Simultaneously, visualize blue sphere lighting up between the eyes, and sending a thread of light to the point. Vibrate "Iiiiii..." in a high-pitched tone until the lungs are emptied.
  2. Inhale. Trace a straight line from shoulder to opposite shoulder or hip, or from the head to either hip. Visualize a yellow sphere lighting up inthe throat,sending a thread of light to the second point. Vibrate "Eeee..." in a slightly lower tone.
  3. Inhale. Trace a second line, again as if drawing a pentagram Visualize a red sphere in the center of the chest, and sending its light to the third point. Vibrate "Ahhh..." in a tone lower than the previous vibration
  4. Inhale. Trace a third line. Visualize a purple sphere in the genital area, sending its light to the fourth point. Vibrate "Ohhh..." in a lower tone.
  5. Inhale. Trace the fourth line. Visualize a green sphere encircling the feet and disappearing into the ground, and sending its thread to the fifth point. Vibrate "Oooo..."
  6. Do not draw the closing bar of the pentagram! Instead, remain com- pletely motionless and hold your breath for as long as possible. Concentrate your attention fixedly on the sound of your blood rushing through your carotid arteries. Know that the rumbling you hear is the eternal explosion of the Thunderbolt. You are part of the thunderbolt moving endlessly and mindlessly onward
  7. Continue to hold the image and sound in the mind while holding your breath. When you finally must breathe, envision the thunderbolt fragmenting with a tremendous roar and sending octarine sparks into and through you.
  8. Repeat the seven steps above, drawing the thunderbolts about you to describe a 3-dimensional shape of whatever kind suits you.
  9. Declaration of intent, ie "We will that we never end where we had begun. We will that we shall begin."

Techniques Employed:

Breath control, sound concentration, image concentration, sound vibration.


My plan is to preform this ritual everyday. Results will be recorded here.